
16 items found

Sprinkling WordPress With Some Framer Magic

The People It all started last year with beta testing the WordPress iOS app. Making software better for millions of...

WordPress Gutenberg Design Facelift

WordPress Gutenberg Design Facelift

I started using Gutenberg, the new editor for WordPress, and immediately fell in love with it. I believe that Gutenberg is the best thing happened to WordPress after Jetpack.

Gutenberg is the best thing happened to WordPress after Jetpack

While playing around with Gutenberg a few things didn’t click. I spent a few hours and the result is the mockup you see. It’s an idea to improve the familiar without changing to something new. It’s a different approach on the super hard work all everyone has done and will be doing so far. That’s it.  (more…)

WordPress Core DNS Prefetch And Our Instant Articles Plugin

WordPress Core DNS Prefetch And Our Instant Articles Plugin

I met Stanislav a little over a year ago in Stockholm. We met in Slussen and decided to go to Starbucks. Johan & Nyström would be a better choice for sure.

We spent almost two hours chatting about WordPress. That’s why we met after all. I had this idea about making WordPress better. Stanislav was eager to listen. I was eager to share my thoughts. (more…)

4 Free Super Easy & Reliable WordPress Performance Plugins

4 Free Super Easy & Reliable WordPress Performance Plugins

The key to WordPress speed and performance is simplicity. Less plugins means more WordPress speed and performance. There is a good reason for that.

WordPress plugins are pieces of code outside the WordPress core. They exist in a parallel universe so to speak. For the plugins to be useful and functional they have to make a jump in the WordPress core world. (more…)

WordPress Instant Articles. Better User Experience And Speed

WordPress Instant Articles. Better User Experience And Speed

WordPress Instant Articles is a new WordPress plugin that goes beyond page caching and speed up techniques. We improve user experience and speed up WordPress with a simple and elegant solution. (more…)

Exclude WordPress Admin Traffic From Google Analytics

Exclude WordPress Admin Traffic From Google Analytics

Google Analytics measures all WordPress traffic. Coming from real visitors, bots or admins and editors. It’s all traffic for Google Analytics. Even when previewing a post. This behavior is normal. It’s what Google Analytics should do. Track all traffic and stats when the Google Analytics code loads. (more…)

WordPress Security Plugins 2015: Google Authenticator Two Step Authentication

WordPress Security Plugins 2015: Google Authenticator Two Step Authentication

WordPress is secure but you can always do more to protect your site. Increase security for the WordPress login page with the Google Authenticator WordPress plugin. This is the 2-step authentication solution you were waiting for.
WordPress login works with a username and password. A hard to guess password is always a good idea but sometimes it’s not enough. Adding 2-step verification to any WordPress blog and site makes it harder to hack. (more…)

Opal: HTML5 Semantic WP Theme For SEO, Web

Opal: HTML5 Semantic WP Theme For SEO, Web

There are many Semantic Premium WordPress Themes out there. Semantic, HTML5 ready and CSS3 compatible. Opal is the best semantic theme to get. Great design, lots of features, great SEO and simplicity. (more…)

WordPress Performance Plugin: Speed Booster Pack

WordPress Performance Plugin: Speed Booster Pack

Speed Booster Pack is an amazing WordPress performance plugin. It makes your WordPress site load much faster. That’s just one part of the story. (more…)

Making WordPress Better, The Admin Menu

Making WordPress Better, The Admin Menu

I’ve been thinking about WordPress a lot. I love the product, the platform and the people behind it. Still there are things that could be better. Much better. (more…)