WordPress Optimization

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WordPress Performance Plugin: Speed Booster Pack

WordPress Performance Plugin: Speed Booster Pack

Speed Booster Pack is an amazing WordPress performance plugin. It makes your WordPress site load much faster. That’s just one part of the story. (more…)

5 WordPress Performance Plugins, SpeedUp & Optimize Your Site

5 WordPress Performance Plugins, SpeedUp & Optimize Your Site

WordPress is fast but it can be a lot faster with easy optimization.Here’s a list of 5 WordPress Performance Plugins you can download and install right away. Each one is designed to be used with no coding experience at all, expect for a casual copy & paste of code snippet following instructions. (more…)

WordPress Performance, The 3 Plugins You Need

speed cameras

You love your WordPress installation but you need that little extra something in terms of performance? These 3 WordPress Performance and WordPress Optimization plugins will make your day. You need to understand the basics of stuff like MySQL queries and be familiar with changing settings in my.cnf to make this happen. Please make sure you have a backup of your WordPress database before you run any of the following WordPress Performance and WordPress Optimization plugins.

UPDATE: It shouldn’t be hard to optimize WordPress Performance. This is my newest performance recommendations for 2015.

You need to find what is causing your blog and site to be slow. Looking for delays in old plugin queries or old theme files is a great way to improve WordPress Performance. Assuming your web server is properly configured and that you already use cache plugins like W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache. (more…)