
3 items found

The Selfie Stick Is Killing The Human Brain

The Selfie Stick Is Killing The Human Brain

The selfie stick is more than a tool for taking photos. It’s a personal statement. It’s a lifestyle choice. It signals individualism one picture at a time.

People no longer consume content on their smartphones. They feel compelled to create it. With a twist. They create content the way they consume it. Isolated. Alone. (more…)

44 digits of Pi in 14 seconds video

44 digits of Pi in 14 seconds video

Spitting out the first 44 digits of Pi in 14 seconds or 3.14 digits (for real!) every single second. Mirror used for everyone to see i don’t cheat. According to Wolfram MathWorld. (more…)

Human brain and singularity thoughts part one

Human brain random thoughts and assumptions about human evolution and our brain in particular. The human body is the most...