Tim Cook’s Salary In 2014 Is Nothing Compared To Other CEOs
The news is out. Apple CEO, Tim Cook, doubled his salary in 2014. But why would you care so much about his pay day? According to regulatory fillings, Tim Cook took home $9.22 million in 2014. That’s more than the 4.2 million he earned in 2013.
Tim Cook Pay Pales Compared To Peer CEOs
A quick Google Search shows the money some of the other CEOs made in 2013. Keep in mind that Apple was the world’s biggest company by market cap in 2013 and 2014. Being a CEO means a whole of trouble, stress and responsibility. These guys work hard for their companies and their money.
Tim Cook, Apple – $4.2M 2013 ($9.22M 2014)
Rex Tillerson, Exxon Mobil – $40.3M 2013
Lloyd Blankfein, Goldman Sachs – $23M 2013
Jeffrey Immelt, General Electric – $19.8M 2013
Brian Moynihan, Bank of America – $14M 2013
It seems that Tim Cook’s compensation for 2013 is lower compared to what other CEOs were making. Even with the double up salary in 2014, Apple’s CEO is making simnifically less compared to CEOs from other corporate giants. Why Tim Cook’s increase in 2014 salary is such big news is beyond me.