Framer X
13 items found
Framer Meetups Switzerland, A Wrap-Up and What’s Next for 2020
2019 was a big year for Framer. Major new Framer X releases improved the design process and the product. Framer...
Framer X Micro Interactions Design with Disney’s 12 Principles of Animation
Disney knows about animation. So does Framer X. You also know a hell lot about good animation. You may not...
Framer X Microinteractions Animation for iOS Todoist Keyboard
Designing micro interactions in Framer X is easy and fast. It's still a prototype but in a smaller world. Same...
Framer X Micro Interactions with Buttons and Code Overrides Part 2
Framer X is great for micro interactions. A simple code override can be a game changer. Mix a few of...
Framer X Micro Interactions with Buttons and Code Overrides Part 1
Framer X is great for micro interactions. A simple code override can be a game changer. Mix a few of...
Oura Ring, Redesign UI & UX for Sleep with Framer X
The Oura ring is a sleeping tracker inside a ring. Actually it's a lot more than that but its sleeping...
Framer X Tutorial: Code Overrides useCycle Hook Prototype Design Inspired By iOS 13
You already know what Framer X code overrides can do for you. These snippets of code can take your interactive...
Framer X Prototype: Snapchat Like Camera App with Color Filters, GIFs and No Code
A quick Framer X tutorial to prototype a Snapchat like camera app with color filters and no code. If you...
Framer X: What Is A Code Override?
Let's be honest. There is no straight answer to this question. I'm not trying to be a smart ass or...