4 hour body
4 Hour Body Diet Explained, The Slow Carb Diet Infographic
The 4 hour body diet as explained in the book by Tim Ferriss mainly consists of two ideas: slow carb diet and food combination. If you want to lose weight following the 4 hour body diet you don’t really need to eat apples and drink orange juice all day; that might actually help you gain weight (see Glycemic index).
As explained in the infographic above, avoiding carbs, processed food and combining appropriate food carefully you can lose weight or avoid gaining extra weight while enjoying your full fat rib eye stake. It’s mainly the carbs that make you fat and that extra kick of sugar you had after dinner. (more…)
4-Hour Body Diet: the Harvard Glycemic index
6 Pack Abs or 4 Pack Abs In 2 Weeks With 2 Exercises

Get your 6 pack abs or 4 pack abs without any exercise. Diet is important. I’ll cover that part separately. Let’s focus on the 6 pack abs. Cardio workouts help. Balanced diet too. (more…)