WordPress Performance, The 3 Plugins You Need

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You love your WordPress installation but you need that little extra something in terms of performance? These 3 WordPress Performance and WordPress Optimization plugins will make your day. You need to understand the basics of stuff like MySQL queries and be familiar with changing settings in my.cnf to make this happen. Please make sure you have a backup of your WordPress database before you run any of the following WordPress Performance and WordPress Optimization plugins.

UPDATE: It shouldn’t be hard to optimize WordPress Performance. This is my newest performance recommendations for 2015.

You need to find what is causing your blog and site to be slow. Looking for delays in old plugin queries or old theme files is a great way to improve WordPress Performance. Assuming your web server is properly configured and that you already use cache plugins like W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache.

P3 (Plugin Performance Profiler)

See which plugins are slowing down your site. This plugin creates a performance report for your site.

This plugin creates a profile of your WordPress site’s plugins’ performance by measuring their impact on your site’s load time. Often times, WordPress sites load slowly because of poorly configured plugins or because there are so many of them. By using the P3 plugin, you can narrow down anything causing slowness on your site.

This plugin uses the canvas element for drawing charts and requires requires Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, or IE9 or later. This plugin will not work in IE8 or lower.

Debug Objects

The Plugin Debug Objects provides a large number of information: query, cache, cron, constants, hooks, functions and many more.

The Plugin Debug Objects provides the user, which has the appropriate rights, normally the administrator, a large number of information: query, cache, cron, constants, hooks, functions and many many more. Values and content get displayed at the frontend and backend of the blog, to analyze errors but also to better understand and develop with/for WordPress.


This simple but effective plugin allows you to clean up your WordPress database and optimize it without phpMyAdmin.

WP-Optimize is a WordPress 2.9++ database cleanup and optimization tool. It doesn’t require PhpMyAdmin to optimize your database tables. It allows you to remove post revisions, comments in the spam queue, un-approved comments within few clicks.

Remove the WordPress post revisions, remove the WordPress auto draft posts, remove all the comments in the spam queue, remove all the un-approved comments, apply mysql optimize commands on your database tables without phpMyAdmin, display Database table statistics. Shows how much space can be optimised and how much space has been cleared.

Remember, you need to backup your WordPress database just in case you decide to use WP-Optimize. Debug Objects and P3 (Plugin Performance Profiler) just profile (monitor and report WordPress performance or lack of it) without altering your WordPress database.

That’s it. These are the 3 WordPress Performance plugins you need to make your blog and site much faster.